From the Diamond

By: Leighlah Silva

Coach Standley shared, “This season has been great; we’re still in playoffs. We have 2 seniors, and I’m very proud of them. We broke the school record with 29 wins, which was set in 1990. We’re 29-4 right now, and hopefully, after this weekend, we will be 31-4 and headed to the next round.

Reflecting on the team’s goals. Coach Standley mentioned, “We let the kids pick team and individual goals. My goal is to put a good team on the field and in class, and make sure they don’t get any write-ups. I couldn’t be any more proud of these young men. I’ve had very few teachers call and text about their behavior; I’ve had many compliments about these boys.”

Despite their best efforts, the baseball team lost their tournament, ending the season. Coach Standley expressed, “I will always miss my seniors. I’m pretty tough on them, but it always pays off in the end when you see all the boys become successful.

Swinging to Success

By: Leighlah Silva

As the golf season wraps up for Pleasanton High School’s boys golf team, Mark Thornton reflects on a season filled with highs and the bittersweet sting of falling short. “We had regionals in April, which was our last tournament,” Mark shares, recounting the team’s journey to the final competition of the season. 

Despite their best efforts, the team narrowly missed out on a chance to advance to the state tournament, falling short by just one shot. “We got fourth. We missed going to state by 1 shot,” Mark explains, acknowledging the disappointment of coming so close to their goal. 

With the departure of three talented seniors, Mark recognizes the impact their absence will have on the team. “We’re losing 3 pretty good golfers,” he acknowledges. However, he remains optimistic about the team’s future, believing that they still have the potential to perform well next year. “I feel like we still have a chance to be pretty good next year,” he says confidently. 

Mark in no stranger to the world of golf, having played varsity golf his freshmen year as well. This season marked his second year on the team, a testament to his dedication to the sport, which he has been playing for roughly 8 years. 

One of Mark’s proudest moments this season was shooting his best tournaments this season was shooting his beast tournament round ever at regionals, where he scored an impressive 70. Reflecting on the season, Mark feels positive about the team’s performance. “We played well and had a lot of good times. It just kind of sucks to miss it by 1 shot,” he admits. However, he remains hopeful for the future, confident that the team will bounce back stronger next year. “ I think we’re going to come back pretty good next year. I’m just gonna miss the seniors,” he adds, highlighting the bond shared among teammates. 

As Mark Thornton looks ahead to his future with Pleasanton High School’s golf team, his passion for the sport and determination to succeed serve as a driving force for himself and his teammates. With his eyes set on new challenges and opportunities, Mark is ready to tee off into the next chapter of his golfing journey, carrying with him the memories and lessons learned from a memorable season.

Athlete of the Year

As the final bell rings and the school year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the moments that made this year unforgettable. One name stands out among the rest, shining brightly in the realm of sports and school spirit. 

Chance’s high school years have been a wild ride. “They go by fast, but they’re fun. I think I’ve made the most of them,” he said with a grin. He’s all about living in the moment, soaking up every bit of the high school experience. 

A total sports fan, Chance has been killing it on the football field and the baseball diamond for four years straight. He started out playing both sports on JV as a freshman and then quickly moved up to varsity, showing everyone what he’s made of. 

Chances success isn’t just about his skills; it’s also about his family having his back and his coaches keeping him in check. “My mom and dad are always there when I need them,” he said, feeling grateful. And about his coaches, he added, “All the football and baseball coaches have been awesome. I own them a lot.” 

When asked about his biggest inspiration, Chance doesn’t hesitate to credit his dad. “My dad inspires me to be a better man, to be more respectful and responsible,” he shares. This influence is evident in Chance’s character, both on and off the field.

Looking ahead Chance has bigger plans. He’s set his sights on college, where he hopes to continue playing football and baseball. Beyond his playing days, Chance aspires to become a coach, passing on his knowledge and love for these sports. 

As Chance prepares to open a new chapter in his life, his high school achievements serve as a testament to his hard work, dedication, and the unwavering support of those around him. With his sights set on the future Chance is ready to tackle whatever challenges come his way, both on and off the field.

Student spotlight: Jayden Fox

By:Leighlah Silva 

From navigating the highs and lows of high school to embracing challenges both in and out of the classroom, Jayden Fox has illustrated what it means to be a dedicated and driven student at Pleasanton High School.Throughout his four years, Jayden has been an active participant in extracurricular activities, including cross country and track, showcasing not only his athletic brilliance but also his commitment to personal excellence. Additionally, Jayden has showed his musical talents to the school band, skillfully playing the tenor saxophone with passion and skill.However, Jayden’s impact goes beyond the field and the stage. Inspired by his father, Jayden has embodied the values of resilience and strength, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. Jaydens father’s guidance has shaped Jayden into a compassionate and determined individual, ready to take on new challenges with unwavering determination.Jayden’s academic journey has been marked by the support and guidance of teachers like Mrs. Bast, whose dedication to her students has inspired Jayden to strive for greatness. Mrs. Bast’s commitment to excellence has not only influenced Jayden’s academic pursuits but has also served as a guiding light in their personal development.Looking ahead, Jayden plans to attend Texas A&M University in College Station to pursue a degree in electrical engineering, a testament to their ambition and drive. With a goal to inspire others and make a difference in the world, Jayden is poised to embark on a new chapter filled with endless possibilities.As Jayden Fox prepares to leave a lasting legacy at Pleasanton High School, his journey serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance, determination, and the unwavering support of family and mentors. Jayden’s story is not just one of academic achievement but also of personal growth and resilience, making him a shining example for his peers and a source of pride for the Pleasanton Highschool community

Sliding into the season!

Sliding into the season!

    By: Leighlah Silva 

It is that time of year again, baseball season has started here at PHS! The head coach, Coach Standley, has some high expectations for his team. “Our goal is to win the district championship”, last year they made it very far and enjoyed every moment of it. Coach Standley is most sure that these young men have what it takes to go far. The tryout requirements involved tracking the speed of a throw, hitting a baseball off of a “Tee”, and also tracking the speed of that, they have a timed mile-and-a–half run, and they are required to catch pop flies while saying “ball,ball,ball”. 

Coach Standley has coached baseball for twenty six years as a head coach. This is his fifth year at Pleasanton as a head coach, unfortunately his first year at Pleasanton was cut short due to Covid-19. Coach Standley played baseball all his life including college baseball. “I’m a very competitive person and I grew up playing baseball. I’ve played college baseball. It’s anatomy to help kids become better people, fathers, sons, husbands. Baseball tides in with all that very well”. Baseball has been Coach Stanley’s way to meet these wonderful young men and teach them ways to be better on the field, in the classroom, and outside of the classroom.We wish the baseball team a good season and hope to see them at district championship. Pride, Pride!



By: Leighlah Silva


Get ready to rally under the lights and feel the pulse of the school spirit in softball! Softball season has officially started here at PHS.“The goals for the season are to continue changing the culture of the softball program.  This is a rebuilding year; and we want to add to the foundation that we started last year. We will be very young this season and introducing new concepts to the younger group as well as the returners from last season. We will always build on the success from the previous year and our goal is to have a successful season and make the playoffs.” says Coach Cook, Which we know they are capable of. 

The newcomers have settled in very well on the team “Great team, just need more experience”. The freshmen have really out done themselves especially during tryouts.“We put the girls through a variety of drills that tested their abilities to catch, throw, run, and hit.  They had to be able to attempt each drill and were given a score based on how successful they were at completing .We recorded their times from contact to first base and to second base. We were looking for kids who could achieve times to first in 3.5 seconds and 7 seconds or less to second.” And they have surely found them. 

The girls have played in scrimmages and tournaments, they are having a very good start to the season with not much loses. We hope the girls have an amazing season and continue to shine bright in the school’s eyes. Pride, pride!


Student spotlight

Student spotlight 

By: Leighlah Silva 

Welcome back PHS, another month has passed which means another article! This month’s student spotlight goes to the amazing freshman Claire Keylich. Claire is involved in many extracurricular activities including student council, volleyball, and soccer. “I’ve been doing volleyball since 7th grade and have been in club volleyball for 3 years. I made varsity volleyball this year and it was definitely a big jump from 8th grade to varsity, a whole new level but I was able to adjust and improve to have a successful season. Lastly, I’ve been playing soccer since I was 5 and I’m now a freshman on varsity. Varsity soccer is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I’ve gotten better at adjusting to the speed and rhythm of the game which has made me improve a lot”. As you can tell Claire is a highly gifted student-athlete, making varsity in two sports as a freshman is very outstanding! 

Claire has accomplished so much and will continue throughout her years at PHS. “My mom helps me the most when I need help or encouragement whether it’s sports, school, or advice. She is always giving me positive feedback and is always encouraging me at my sport events or my school events, however my sister inspires me the most. I always look up to her and she is the person who is always there for me. She is the first person I go to whenever something happens or whenever I need her the most”. Claire is a great role model and always will be! The Quill staff hope you enjoy the rest of Claire’s highschool years, and we hope everything continues to go well for her. We are honored to have this opportunity to write an article about this outstanding freshman. Pride pride.

Student Spotlight: Emiliano Lugo

By: Leighlah Silva

Good afternoon PHS! The quill staff are coming to you with yet another student spotlight article. This month Emiliano Lugo has been selected as our spotlight. Emiliano is a highly gifted and talented student both in and out of the classroom. He participates in many extracurricular activities such as chess club, art club, and bowling club which is a new club here at PHS! You can say he is very active in and out of school. Emiliano says that all of these extracurricular activities have helped him experience new things and meet new people. His chess instructor Ms.Infante has very good feedback she says “He is very polite and generous, he helps his teammates improve in many things, even though sooner or later they will be going against each other in chess. He has a very great mindset about everyone being a winner”. 

Emiliano says that his peers have impacted his life in ways that many don’t and that is what is important because he has experienced many opportunities that he wouldn’t have experienced if it weren’t for them. Emiliano says he has adapted to the high school lifestyle by walking a lot in the hallways and meeting new teachers. 

The PHS quill staff are thrilled to have this opportunity to get to know Emiliano and honor him for being such a great student! 

Student Spotlight: Sydney Sorola

By: Leighlah Silva 


Welcome back PHS we are coming to you with more articles this month! Our student spotlight for October is Sydney Sorola. Sydney is a highly accomplished junior that is involved in many extracurricular activities within the school . This junior is involved in NHS (National Honor Society), HOSA (Health Occupations Students Of America), student council, and dance. “My main goal is to leave an impact” stated Sydney, which she has! 

Sydney has been a dancer since she was five years old and continues dancing on the dance/drill team here at PHS. Sydney has the magnificent duty of being the pacesetting major and only wants what’s best for the team, “I want to accomplish things within the team that haven’t been accomplished before”. Her peers on the dance team have made a huge impact on Sydney, “These girls motivate me so much, they really inspire me to be better”.

      Dance has always been her main extracurricular activity ever since she was home schooled, being in HOSA,NHS, and student council has brought her so many amazing opportunities and friends! Being in all of these extracurricular activities has also taught Sydney self discipline, respect towards others, and has helped her prepare herself for life after high school. Within the talk about life after high school ,Sydney has stated that she plans on attending (TJH)  Tyler Junior College to be an almighty apache belle on their dance team. She plans doing her basics at Tyler Junior College, but her “end goal” for her adult years is to study neuroscience and become a neurologist.

The PHS quill staff members are delighted and very thankful to have this opportunity to put the amazing spotlight on Sydney Sorola and get to know her better. We wish you the best and hope you have a great junior year, keep pursuing your dreams!

Student Spotlight: Stephen West

By: Leighlah Silva and Kendall Zuniga 



Welcome back to PHS! A new school year means new students in our monthly student spotlight. This month, the Quill staff have chosen senior Stephen West to shed some green and white light upon. Though quiet to the school’s eye, Stephen makes noise with the varsity football team every Friday night whether it’s being in the game or on the sidelines cheering for his fellow teammates on getting a touchdown. In his free time, Stephen continues to play football from 4 to 7 p.m. after school. Participating in sports has brought many friends and opportunities into Stephen’s life over the last 4 years of his high school career, and continues to be an experience he admires greatly. He has shown a lot of “Eagle Pride” within his fellow peers over the years and he is excited to finish off his football career with the Pleasanton Eagle Varsity Football team.  

After high school, Stephen plans on attending A&M Kingsville University. He is uncertain what subject he wants to major in. Nonetheless, we know that no matter what he will be successful and the timing will come when he decides what he wants to major in. Stephen is highly talented both in and out of the classroom. He has an amazing future ahead of him. The Journalism staff are filled with gratitude for the golden opportunity to become acquainted with more knowledge about Stephen West. We wish him the best of luck for the amazing future he has ahead of him! Pride, Pride!