By: Leighlah Silva and Kendall Zuniga
Welcome back to PHS! A new school year means new students in our monthly student spotlight. This month, the Quill staff have chosen senior Stephen West to shed some green and white light upon. Though quiet to the school’s eye, Stephen makes noise with the varsity football team every Friday night whether it’s being in the game or on the sidelines cheering for his fellow teammates on getting a touchdown. In his free time, Stephen continues to play football from 4 to 7 p.m. after school. Participating in sports has brought many friends and opportunities into Stephen’s life over the last 4 years of his high school career, and continues to be an experience he admires greatly. He has shown a lot of “Eagle Pride” within his fellow peers over the years and he is excited to finish off his football career with the Pleasanton Eagle Varsity Football team.
After high school, Stephen plans on attending A&M Kingsville University. He is uncertain what subject he wants to major in. Nonetheless, we know that no matter what he will be successful and the timing will come when he decides what he wants to major in. Stephen is highly talented both in and out of the classroom. He has an amazing future ahead of him. The Journalism staff are filled with gratitude for the golden opportunity to become acquainted with more knowledge about Stephen West. We wish him the best of luck for the amazing future he has ahead of him! Pride, Pride!