Monthly Cause


Mental Health Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness for people’s health mentally, rather than physically. Mental health is important because it impacts relationships, attitude, community wellness, work productivity, and most of all, the stressing of life. 

However, many people suffer from their mental health. This month is the month to encourage others to seek the health care they need. This month provides the opportunity to focus on self care and show the importance of mental health. Many people have been through traumatic events and it has had a negative impact on their minds. 

Mental Health Awareness was established since 1949 and was created mostly to educate people on conditions like depression, bi-polar disorders, anxiety, and copying with toxic family environments . Over time, substance abuse has increasingly grown and harmed others in the long run causing some to go dumb, cause migraines, and severe breathing problems .

  You can help raise awareness by asking how people are doing, or doing a good deed to enlighten someone’s day. You can greatly impact a person’s life just by one little doing.

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