By: May Smith
Aries – Watch out for power plays on the 8th; don’t get involved. Past activities could pay current dividends on the 13th. If you buy it on the 28th, you are likely to pay too much. Your friends may look to you for emotional guidance throughout the day. They’re potentially going through a crisis in some part of their life or grappling with a problem that they’ve been unable to figure out, and you could have the insight that will allow them to work through their struggles. Working together throughout any issues can strengthen the bond between you since they’ll see that you are there for them. Just avoid appearing to be preachy — they might tune that right out!
Taurus – Friends and family may be at odds on the 10th. A lot of fun can be had and you are tremendously lucky on the 22nd. An unexpected opportunity could come your way on the 31st. You’re able to be honest about the feelings that are in your heart. Even if you’ve recently stumbled when releasing your emotions, it’s okay. Prepare yourself for someone to ask you a question, providing an opportunity to open up and free yourself from any silent weights that have been dragging you down. Don’t forget to check and ensure they have space to hold your emotions with you for a little while! Once they give the green light, sharing is an amazing way to feel lighter.
Gemini – Make sure to be careful so you don’t get into trouble on the 2nd; if you do, you can fix it on the 3rd. Just make sure not to overdo it on the 28th or the 29th. The wise words of a mentor can be more meaningful than ever. Whether they’ve achieved career goals you’d like to emulate or have earned your admiration for personal reasons, you’re likely looking to them to inspire your grand ambitions. Wanting to model your own life after someone else’s is flattering, but it might also not be quite right for you, since everyone has their own journey. Be open and listen to what they have to say, but it’s okay if it doesn’t resonate with you.
Cancer – The 9th is particularly pleasant during the day but expect the unexpected in the evening. A good time can be had with your friends on the 20th. Travel beckons on the 24th. You may gain a reputation for intensity today! Someone may want to be your friend or get to know you more, but they’re possibly intimidated by your popularity, your mystery, or your carefree attitude. You’re probably easy to have fun with, but you might also have a free spirit that doesn’t want to be bogged down with the opinions of others. Peers may enjoy themselves while worrying that you won’t stick around. Keep being yourself! There will be people who appreciate YOU.
Leo – Communication is powerful for you on the 20th. Don’t let others manipulate you on the 21st. Money could come to you from past deeds on the 24th. Yes, Leo, honesty IS the best policy at present — especially with family members. If you’ve been avoiding telling them something for some time, take this moment to let them in on the secret. Whether these are your biological relatives, someone who is paternal or maternal to you, or your roommates, you may feel a deep burning desire to come clean to them and tell them what you’ve been keeping inside. Don’t let this keep weighing you down! Take a breath and set it free.
Virgo – Avoid a misunderstanding with your significant other on the 2nd by doing something solo. Creativity is yours on the 3rd. Be careful with your words on the 28th & 29th as some anger could be brewing. You’re able to take on the current work of others. It may be that someone isn’t fulfilling their end of the bargain and you’re having to pick up their slack, or you could have to do double the work that you were expecting due to receiving an unfair hand. Having to do much more than you should be doing is frustrating, and ultimately, you shouldn’t have to do so. Consider starting a conversation with someone who can change the situation.
Libra – Friends may not be honest with you on the 10th. A dream brings a positive money idea to you on the 22nd. An unexpected opportunity is yours on the 31st. Past wounds can be healed in the present. Someone who meant a lot to you may have hurt you, and whether the wound is fresh or ancient history, they could be returning to your life or showing up again in your mind. This is a sign of some reflection on healing and absolution. The person may apologize directly, you might seek an apology, or you may choose to forgive without acknowledgment from the other person. Do what would be soothing for you.
Scorpio – You could receive important communication from a friend on the 2nd. Things are not all that they seem to be on the 20th. Don’t let others manipulate you on the 21st. You’re glittering gold, Scorpio! The Sun’s spotlight is shifting onto you — you might not be used to all the extra attention, but don’t worry. As your energy becomes more magnetic, you can use this cosmic power-up to your advantage, especially if you’ve failed to get positive attention from others in the recent past. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! At least consider using this time on center stage to network and make positive impressions on those that matter to you.
Sagittarius – Things go your way on the 18th. Ideas about furthering your career are yours on the 22nd. On the 28th, you may have a tendency to say too much, so you need to be careful! Routines may seem exceedingly complex at the moment. With surprising events and opportunities likely coming your way throughout the day, you might get so distracted by all the new information and tasks entering your life that you completely forget about the habits that you already had established. It can feel like you’re doing something good for yourself, but it might just be that you’re doing something different — remember, something new is not always better than something consistent. Weigh the pros and cons.
Capricorn – Be careful not to be too critical with your words on the 10th. Great discussions can be had with your friends on the 22nd. Friends are interested in a good time with you on the 24th. Your friends might be seeking your honest opinion. They trust you to tell them the truth and not just what they want to hear, but even though they’re seeking your sincerity, this doesn’t mean that you have to deliver harsh critiques word for word. If you have negative feedback to give, try to make sure that it’s coming from a constructive place and not from an insulting place, because you don’t want to jab at your pals for no reason. Take it seriously.
Aquarius – An idea to improve your workspace is yours on the 7th. The 22nd would be a fabulous day to do something with your significant other. An intuition about money is yours on the 31st. You’re now ready to be more empathetic and compassionate with people who may not have extended the same courtesy to you. They potentially don’t understand your dreams or your energy, and because of this, they could accidentally or purposefully alienate you and those who stand beside you. Whether they understand who you are or not isn’t an excuse to exclude you, but at least they’re showing you who they truly are. Refrain from retaliation — simply stand with the people who stand with you.
Pisces – Don’t believe everything that you hear on the 2nd. Conversations with friends should be enlightening on the 21st. Travel beckons and could be quite fun on the 24th. It’s easier to be objective about the past. Where you once made over-emotional decisions and arrived at misled conclusions, you can see with clarity at last. Make an effort to find a few minutes to contemplate the reasons behind events in your life that brought you here. Not every opportunity looks positive at the beginning, and many blessings are in disguise when we receive them, so keep your eyes open for what you can perceive differently going forward. Remember, hindsight is 20/20.