Salutatorian: Evelynn Caraway

By: Carol

Flying high above the class are those who have put in endless study hours, and dedicated their time to extracurriculars, family, and, most importantly, their future. Holding one of the highest honors of the graduating class of 2024 is salutatorian, Miss Evelynn Caraway. Evelynn is an exceptionally smart, driven, and well-rounded individual who has rightfully earned this distinction. She plans to attend Texas A&M University in the upcoming fall as an Agricultural Engineering major, with aspirations to design structures that will make a difference in the world of agriculture.

Evelynn stands out due to her immense work ethic, from the tables of wool judging to the tennis court—this girl does not stop. Though she is ending her high school career at the top of the top, the journey from freshman year to that final college application submission was not an easy one. Over her four years at Pleasanton High School, Evelynn took part in track, tennis, band, 4-H, Student Council, National Honor Society, FFA, and FCA, receiving many accolades in each. On top of this, Evelynn had a thirst for learning, stemming from her younger years in schooling. Her schedule was filled with endless Dual Credit, AP, and Honors/Advanced courses. Most impressively she managed to find time for family and friends despite her curriculars and extracurriculars. Her ability to balance all of this successfully demonstrates just why Texas A&M is the perfect fit for her.

When asked if all the courses were meant to help her achieve salutatorian status, she said, “Not necessarily. I never really thought about being salutatorian; it was just there. What really drove me was that I wanted to learn, and the best way to do so was to take higher-level classes.”

Evelynn is a very persistent individual who can and will climb the highest of mountains when she puts her mind to it. However, this is not without giving credit to those who have laid out steps along the way. Teachers like Mrs. Bast and Ms. Kelly have helped guide Evelynn to where she is now. Alongside PHS faculty Evelynns family has had a major impact on her life. Evelynns dad has been a driving force to always strive for more, instilling a work ethic unwavering to any of life’s storms. Meanwhile, Evelynns siblings and mom have been a support system, allowing her to achieve all the amazing things she has. It’s clear to see the character built by all of Evelynns supporters and how it will propel her through life. 

As the salutatorian for the graduating class of 2024, Evelynn Caraway has and will continue to achieve amazing things, no doubt. Evelynn has a vibrant and bright future that lies beyond the walls of PHS, for every challenge that comes her way after she walks that stage we hope she remembers where she came from and what she’s already achieved. With our whole hearts, we congratulate Evelynn and the rest of the graduating class. Good luck and goodbye!! 

Valedictorian: Ian Rodriguez

By: Carol

From the moment students enter these halls as freshmen to their final steps across the graduation stage, they engage in a rigorous competition for academic rankings. For some, this is a pursuit of their dreams, while for others, it is a pure competitive drive. A valedictorian is an individual who not only excels academically but also embodies the highest standards of their school and will carry this drive throughout their lives. The Pleasanton High School Class of 2023-2024 Valedictorian is Ian Rodriguez, a distinguished student-athlete who has maintained his position at the top of his class for four consecutive years. Ian will be attending Rice University, pursuing a dual major with a BS in Biosciences, concentrated in biochemistry, and a BA in Political Science. He plans to prepare for medical school while also gaining a deeper understanding of the American political system, as he envisions a future career in public office.

Ian’s accolades in his academics are more than impressive, as being valedictorian is obviously no easy feat. When asked what his motivating factor to being valedictorian was he simply responded “ Going into my freshman year I actually didn’t think I was going to be valedictorian. I was just trying to compete against myself and tried to keep improving my grades. But after I discovered my rank, I think my main motivation was to get into a T20 school…” On his journey of success he acknowledges the impact of teachers such as Ms. Williams, Ms.Lasater and Ms. Bast, “each one of them pushed me to always improve and they really helped me in my high school journey”.

Though Ian is most often recognized for his distinction as valedictorian, he has many achievements separate from his ranking. Over his four years here at PHS Ian has taken part in clubs such as HOSA and NHS, he was a cross country and track athlete and he went to state four times in UIL academics (two in current events and two in CX debate). After considering the time and effort invested, Ian found it worthwhile.“High school was an amazing experience, through each up and down, I feel that there was a lot to learn and each year brought something new. There’s plenty that I’m going to miss, but I also am glad to finish high school and move onto the next chapter of life.”

 Ian leaves PHS students with these words “It’s easy to get caught u in work and it’s also easy to get stuck in distractions. Make sure that there’s a good balance between working and having fun, and make sure to avoid drama. Other than that, for the most part, it should be smooth sailing.” Ian’s journey has been successful so far, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for him. Congratulations Ian, and your PHS family wishes you only the best!

That’s Game For This Tennis Season!

By: Kendall Zuniga



As this school year closes in on its last few days, so does the tennis season. I had the opportunity to speak with tennis coach and teacher, Coach Everett, about how this last tennis season has gone. “We had a phenomenal tennis season. The beginning was a little slow but as the season progressed we had amazing growth. Farah Standley qualified for regionals making this my 3rd straight year to have a regional qualifier.” said Coach Everett when asked how the overall tennis season had gone. 

We asked what Coach Everett would like to work on next tennis season and he said “I would like to build a strong doubles team early in the season that can be powerhouses by the end of spring.” as well as “We had a very young team this year so you can expect to see many varsity kids back and ready to battle again on the courts.”

Coach Everett has also left our Senior tennis players a little message before they’re off into the world, “We had a very young team this year so you can expect to see many varsity kids back and ready to battle again on the courts.” 

Thank you Coach Everett for allowing me to interview you about our mighty tennis players and congratulations to all senior tennis players on graduating!


From the Diamond

By: Leighlah Silva

Coach Standley shared, “This season has been great; we’re still in playoffs. We have 2 seniors, and I’m very proud of them. We broke the school record with 29 wins, which was set in 1990. We’re 29-4 right now, and hopefully, after this weekend, we will be 31-4 and headed to the next round.

Reflecting on the team’s goals. Coach Standley mentioned, “We let the kids pick team and individual goals. My goal is to put a good team on the field and in class, and make sure they don’t get any write-ups. I couldn’t be any more proud of these young men. I’ve had very few teachers call and text about their behavior; I’ve had many compliments about these boys.”

Despite their best efforts, the baseball team lost their tournament, ending the season. Coach Standley expressed, “I will always miss my seniors. I’m pretty tough on them, but it always pays off in the end when you see all the boys become successful.

Swinging to Success

By: Leighlah Silva

As the golf season wraps up for Pleasanton High School’s boys golf team, Mark Thornton reflects on a season filled with highs and the bittersweet sting of falling short. “We had regionals in April, which was our last tournament,” Mark shares, recounting the team’s journey to the final competition of the season. 

Despite their best efforts, the team narrowly missed out on a chance to advance to the state tournament, falling short by just one shot. “We got fourth. We missed going to state by 1 shot,” Mark explains, acknowledging the disappointment of coming so close to their goal. 

With the departure of three talented seniors, Mark recognizes the impact their absence will have on the team. “We’re losing 3 pretty good golfers,” he acknowledges. However, he remains optimistic about the team’s future, believing that they still have the potential to perform well next year. “I feel like we still have a chance to be pretty good next year,” he says confidently. 

Mark in no stranger to the world of golf, having played varsity golf his freshmen year as well. This season marked his second year on the team, a testament to his dedication to the sport, which he has been playing for roughly 8 years. 

One of Mark’s proudest moments this season was shooting his best tournaments this season was shooting his beast tournament round ever at regionals, where he scored an impressive 70. Reflecting on the season, Mark feels positive about the team’s performance. “We played well and had a lot of good times. It just kind of sucks to miss it by 1 shot,” he admits. However, he remains hopeful for the future, confident that the team will bounce back stronger next year. “ I think we’re going to come back pretty good next year. I’m just gonna miss the seniors,” he adds, highlighting the bond shared among teammates. 

As Mark Thornton looks ahead to his future with Pleasanton High School’s golf team, his passion for the sport and determination to succeed serve as a driving force for himself and his teammates. With his eyes set on new challenges and opportunities, Mark is ready to tee off into the next chapter of his golfing journey, carrying with him the memories and lessons learned from a memorable season.

Athlete of the Year

As the final bell rings and the school year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the moments that made this year unforgettable. One name stands out among the rest, shining brightly in the realm of sports and school spirit. 

Chance’s high school years have been a wild ride. “They go by fast, but they’re fun. I think I’ve made the most of them,” he said with a grin. He’s all about living in the moment, soaking up every bit of the high school experience. 

A total sports fan, Chance has been killing it on the football field and the baseball diamond for four years straight. He started out playing both sports on JV as a freshman and then quickly moved up to varsity, showing everyone what he’s made of. 

Chances success isn’t just about his skills; it’s also about his family having his back and his coaches keeping him in check. “My mom and dad are always there when I need them,” he said, feeling grateful. And about his coaches, he added, “All the football and baseball coaches have been awesome. I own them a lot.” 

When asked about his biggest inspiration, Chance doesn’t hesitate to credit his dad. “My dad inspires me to be a better man, to be more respectful and responsible,” he shares. This influence is evident in Chance’s character, both on and off the field.

Looking ahead Chance has bigger plans. He’s set his sights on college, where he hopes to continue playing football and baseball. Beyond his playing days, Chance aspires to become a coach, passing on his knowledge and love for these sports. 

As Chance prepares to open a new chapter in his life, his high school achievements serve as a testament to his hard work, dedication, and the unwavering support of those around him. With his sights set on the future Chance is ready to tackle whatever challenges come his way, both on and off the field.

A Heartfelt Goodbye to the Graduating Class of 2024

By: Carol

As the sun sets on another academic year, we find ourselves at a bittersweet juncture. It’s time to say goodbye and wish Godspeed to the graduating class of 2024. Reflecting on the journey we’ve shared, it’s remarkable how swiftly time has flown. From the tentative steps of freshman year to the confident strides of seniorhood. Next Friday, as we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, our hearts swell with pride and a touch of wistfulness. 

To the valedictorians, the artists, the athletes, and every soul who has left an indelible mark on PHS, we extend our deepest gratitude. You’ve enriched our community with your unique talents, passions, and kindness. But as we bid farewell, we don’t merely say goodbye—we say “good luck” with every fiber of our being. Beyond these familiar halls lie boundless opportunities and adventures waiting to be embraced. Class of ‘24, your potential knows no bounds. As you walk across that stage, remember that the lessons learned within these walls and embrace challenges as stepping stones. Know that each experience, be it joyous or trying, shapes the person you are becoming—a person of substance, integrity, and compassion.

And while we may part ways physically, the ties that bind us are unbreakable. The friendships forged, the mentors who guided, and the memories shared. 

Farewell, Class of 2024. Wherever life’s winds may carry you, remember to embrace each moment, cherish each connection, and never forget the remarkable journey that brought you to this magnificent milestone.

With love and admiration,

Your senior Journalist

Monthly Cause

Child Abuse Awareness Month

By: Brittney Rodriguez

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month, a time to talk about a difficult but important issue. Child abuse can take many forms including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as well as neglect. It’s a problem that affects millions of children and teens and it can have serious consequences for their relationships, future success, and physical and mental health. 

But there is hope! By learning about child abuse and its warning signs we can help prevent it and support those who have been affected. We can also support organizations that provide help and resources for families and children in need. We can be kind and supportive friends, classmates, and siblings, which can make a big difference in someone’s life. Remember every child deserves to be safe, loved, and respected. 

So what can you do to make a difference? Start by learning more about child abuse and its effects. You can also wear blue, the color of child abuse awareness to show your support. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for help. Together we can create a safer and more supportive community for all!

Advice Column: How to Stay Productive this Summer

By: Layla Rodriguez

For this month’s advice column, our topic is how to stay busy and productive during the summer. Summer can get pretty boring, and it is easy to lay around all day in bed, but it is important to stay productive and moving! There are so many things to do to stay active, and not just exercise; there are many other fun activities to do as well.

During the summer it can be challenging to stay active when you could be laying in bed sleeping all day, but you can still be active while having fun. Some ways to have fun while staying active are: swimming, making crafts, journaling, and spending time with friends and family! Staying active is so important because it will help you stay happy and healthy. Technology has negative affects on your brain 

By doing all of these things this will help you to stay productive and active throughout the summer and allow for a healthy transition into the school year. Many people find it best to lay around all summer but in reality that is a very unhealthy habit, and it is important to motivate yourself and make sure you stay active as much as possible!  

Dreams of Summer

by Alex Richter


In the halls of learning, friendships bloom,

With every challenge, we conquer gloom.

Through pages turned and lessons learned,

The school year’s joy, our hearts have earned.


But now the end draws ever near,

A bittersweet taste, a silent tear.

For moments made, we hold them dear,

As time whispers goodbye in our ear.


Yet in this sorrow, sunlight gleams,

For summer’s promise, full of dreams.

With days unfurled like endless streams,

We chase the sun, in golden beams.


So here’s to the joy of the school year, passed,

To memories cherished, forever to last.

As we bid farewell, our hearts steadfast,

For summer’s embrace, we’re ready at last.

Spring Tennis

By: Carol

The thrill of any sport lies in the unpredictability of outcomes. For many years Pleasanton tennis team has been an underdog until this year took an unexpected turn when our entire team from singles to doubles put up a heck of a fight against 5-A schools even bringing home some medals.

Tennis is a different kind of competition in the spring, every man for himself. However, as anyone watching one of this year’s tournaments can see, the PHS teams’ comradery is what keeps them going through tough rounds. In competitive tournaments such as the one on March 9th at Steele High School, Pleasanton managed five medals. Most notably however their past tournament in Frederiscksberg Farah Standley brought home a medal, beating out Fredericksburg, Navarro, and Bernoe but falling short in the finals round. Coach Everett said, “She represented Eagle Tennis with pride and fought till the very end”. 

The Quill took some time to interview Farah following her recent success. She shares how this year everyone in the team helped to create a space for growth and built off each other. Going forward Farah is prepping for Pre-District, she says the motto for the rest of the year is “I am a CLEAR ball of positivity.” We’d like to wish Farah and the rest of the tennis team the best moving into district. PRIDE PRIDE. 



By:Layla Rodriguez

This season our Pleasanton Eagle Track team has gotten off to an amazing start! Our athletes work so hard every day to hold their place in every meet. Every day is a learning experience and they gain new aspects of the sport each day. Our latest meets have been going really well for the Eagles, and we have been maintaining a high place on the leader board at every meet.

For this month’s interview we have chose to interview the girls relay team consisting of Megan Mayse, Cianna Acevedo, Alex Baldaras, and Scarlet Travis. This amazing group of girls managed to break the school record, and here is what they have to say “We are so proud that we were able to break the record, and we were so thankful for all of the support and encouragement from our friends and family. We would also like to thank our coaches for pushing us so hard every day at practice.” As you can tell these girls put in the work this season and are so passionate about what they do. Our boys have also been competing very well and have accomplished so much, a shout out to Jayden Palacious for breaking the record for the boys 100 meter dash. 

We are very proud of our Program as a whole and we hope to continue to grow and progress. Our athletes are so great full for all of the love and support, and they will continue to thrive with y’all’s support! Our athletes  really appreciate and encourage you to come out and support our Pleasanton Track Program! 



By Alex Richter

March 2024’s exploration into powerlifting unveils the transformative journey of individuals who embrace the sport’s unique challenges and triumphs. Through the lens of a seasoned coach and a dedicated powerlifter, we delve into the personal experiences that shape the world of powerlifting. Their stories offer a glimpse into the discipline, mental fortitude, and community spirit that powerlifting fosters.

Coach Crowther, with thirteen years of experience, initially drawn to powerlifting in high school, speaks to the sport’s deeply personal challenge: “It’s just you and the weights.” This simplicity and directness were what inspired him to not only embrace the sport but also to guide others on their powerlifting journeys. His coaching philosophy is anchored in three core values: “Faith, Family, and Football,” Yet, his father’s lesson, “If I have to ask you to do something, then I might as well just do it myself,” underscores a fundamental powerlifting ethos: self-reliance and personal accountability.

The coach’s mindset about powerlifting is built on trust and seeing potential in his athletes that they might not see in themselves. “The beautiful part of powerlifting is that those athletes have to trust me,” he reflects, emphasizing the role of trust in achieving success. His proudest achievements aren’t the medals or state championships but rather the individuals who go on to inspire others, echoing his influence as a coach.

On the athlete’s side, I interviewed Makenna Pelle. the journey into powerlifting began in ninth grade, propelled by natural strength and encouragement from Coach Fostor and family. The athlete shares the sport’s physical and social challenges, from the cumbersome process of donning a powerlifting suit to the importance of comfort with failure and vulnerability. Her training regimen is rigorous, reflecting a disciplined approach to continual improvement. “I just try to lift a little bit more, and then a little bit more,” she states, encapsulating a mindset of progress.

Mental preparation for competitions reveals a blend of anticipation, focus, and self-encouragement. Describing the moment of competition, Makenna Pelle shares, “It’s like everything goes silent… everything just goes away while you lift,” highlighting the intense concentration and psychological isolation of powerlifting.

Powerlifting emerges as a test of physical strength and a profound journey of personal growth, discipline, and community. Through the shared experiences of Coach Crowther and Makenna Pelle, we see how powerlifting transcends the act of lifting weights, embodying lessons of trust, perseverance, and the power of believing in oneself. 

PHS: Varsity Baseball + Softball

By: Allison Collins

PHS Baseball


Both Softball and Baseball are two excellent programs at PHS. Currently, Baseball is 4-1 in district games and 20-2 overall. They are ranked in the top 25 teams in the region! They are on the road to the playoffs, with all those wins it’s hard to see how they could slow down. Some upcoming games are Uvalde AWAY at 7:00 pm on April 2nd. Carrizo Springs AWAY at 7:00 pm on April 5th. Bracken Christian HOME at 7:15 pm on April 8th . Devine HOME at 7:00 pm on April 12th. Somerset AWAY at 7:00 pm on April 16th.

Coach Standley is an amazing coach that speaks very highly of his team and rightfully so! They work incredibly hard and their efforts don’t go unnoticed, Junior Cade Sugera was voted the San Antonio Express Baseball Player of the Week!

Softball is at 7-12 overall and 1-5 for district. “We are adding more wins to this years column, we are preforming better than previous years” said Asst. Coach Arevalo. They are also currently ranked 6th overall in the district. Upcoming games include Uvalde AWAY at 7:00 pm on April 2nd. Devine HOME at 7:00 pm on April 12th. Somerset AWAY at 7:00 pm. “In the next couple of weeks, if we take care of business, we will be fighting for a playoffs spot” Coach Arevalo is definitely committed to helping build up the softball program the best he can, also stating “Even though we are young the girls bring experience and talent to get softball back on track”.


Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Velasquez

By: May Smith

This month’s staff member that is in the spotlight is Mrs. Velasquez! I was given the opportunity to interview her and gain some amazing insight as to what she enjoys about PHS as well as what made her join us here in the nest.

When I asked her what made her apply to be the Student Services Clerk here at PHS, she said that she was hired as an inclusion aide. She was an aide for Ms. Martinez, and loved working with her. “I always loved seeing Ms. Martinez interact with students and parents. I heard about her promotion and inquired and was lucky enough to be selected. I enjoy that everyday it’s something new. I get to interact with students, parents and visitors of PHS and help build lasting relationships.” Mrs. Velasquez, while no longer an aide, is still able to help those who come to the front office. I was one of the ones as well, as I had to come up for help with finding certain papers or handing over a note to excuse my absence if I ever got sick. Even when I was dealing with a situation in my life, Mrs. Velasque was there to help and I’m honestly proud to have her here at PHS. She is an amazing member of the Eagle Nest.

Asking about her job before becoming the Student Services Clerk was very interesting. As she works as a real estate agent while working as the Student Services Clerk here at PHS. Like wow! That’s amazing, and the fact that not only she can help us and our families when they come here to PHS, she can also help families find a forever home as a real estate agent! Though her favorite experience here at PHS was getting selected by seniors as an educator influencer. “I have been blessed to be selected by 2 students, Miranda Caballero and Tristan Salmeron. I was also asked to dance with the pacesetters from Larissa Villarreal. Making these memories with these students means the world to me. I love all my kiddos and can’t wait to see what they accomplish in life.” She told me, and I could tell that she was smiling at these amazing memories that she had made. 

One of the most occurring questions is “If you had one thing to say about PHS, what would it be?” And while it comes around alot, it has some of the most diverse answers depending on who we ask. Mrs. Velasquez was proud to have some incredible staff here that truly care about us kids and helping us succeed, and she is even prouder to be one of the staff that helps us whenever we need a lift.

Student spotlight: Jayden Fox

By:Leighlah Silva 

From navigating the highs and lows of high school to embracing challenges both in and out of the classroom, Jayden Fox has illustrated what it means to be a dedicated and driven student at Pleasanton High School.Throughout his four years, Jayden has been an active participant in extracurricular activities, including cross country and track, showcasing not only his athletic brilliance but also his commitment to personal excellence. Additionally, Jayden has showed his musical talents to the school band, skillfully playing the tenor saxophone with passion and skill.However, Jayden’s impact goes beyond the field and the stage. Inspired by his father, Jayden has embodied the values of resilience and strength, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. Jaydens father’s guidance has shaped Jayden into a compassionate and determined individual, ready to take on new challenges with unwavering determination.Jayden’s academic journey has been marked by the support and guidance of teachers like Mrs. Bast, whose dedication to her students has inspired Jayden to strive for greatness. Mrs. Bast’s commitment to excellence has not only influenced Jayden’s academic pursuits but has also served as a guiding light in their personal development.Looking ahead, Jayden plans to attend Texas A&M University in College Station to pursue a degree in electrical engineering, a testament to their ambition and drive. With a goal to inspire others and make a difference in the world, Jayden is poised to embark on a new chapter filled with endless possibilities.As Jayden Fox prepares to leave a lasting legacy at Pleasanton High School, his journey serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance, determination, and the unwavering support of family and mentors. Jayden’s story is not just one of academic achievement but also of personal growth and resilience, making him a shining example for his peers and a source of pride for the Pleasanton Highschool community

JROTC: Military Ball + Road to National Drill Meet

By: Allison Collins

PHS Eagle Batallion


The Eagle Battalion recently had their annual elegant Military Ball, held at the American Legion in Jourdanton, TX. Every year, special members are nominated and voted to represent the Military Ball Court. This year, the elected are as follows: the King and Queen are Elijah Sanchez and Vivian Hernandez, the Prince and Princess are Roman Martinez and Yasmeen Diop, the Duke and Duchess are Daylan Aguero and Sophia Delgrego, the Lord and the Lady are Nikolo s Forman Emily Breier.

All year round, the PHS JROTC program has been grinding, working their way up to the National Drill Meet at Daytona Beach in Florida May 1st-5th! Each year, the sponsors select 20 male anad female cadets to compete. They begin early in the school year, doing four local drill meets and then moving up to more challenging ones, competing against other schools from New Mexico, Colorado & all over the state of Texas. From there, the top 10 teams are picked to represent in Daytona.

The Cadets are also incredibly involved in the community participating in Halloween events, National Night Out, Cowboy Homecoming, Poteet Strawberry Festival, Merry on Main and SO much more! In recent events, on March 25th, the Eagle Battalion achieved the status of Honor Unit with Distinction with a rating of 98.5 out of 100 points. This is a great achievement for the JROTC program. Staff and students alike are proud to have a skilled and dedicated JROTC program to represent PHS in these competitive and community-driven events.


By: Carol

The Business Professionals of America organization is meant to build leadership, academic, and technical skills in young adults who have an interest in business-like career fields. Through this the organization allows opportunities for networking and competitions to gain greater real-life experiences. Here at PHS, our BPA students do just that and more.

Most recently our BPA students took on the State Leadership Conference in Corpus Christi with their heads held high. On day 1 of the conference, PHS was awarded the Social Media Award. On day 2 of this conference tensions were high as it was the start of individual competitions, but no need to fret as Jayden Sawn and Delaine De La Fuente both made it to finals in their events, Prepared Speech and Economic Research. Day 3 began with team competitions where PHS’s Global Marketing team and Presentation team made finals. On the final day, day 4 held the finals and award ceremony. Delanie placed 3rd in speech and will be attending Nationals in Chicago! Meanwhile, the Global Marketing team, Presentation team, and Jayden Swan all made National alternates. 

The Quill was granted to interview Delanie on her experience in BPA. For the past three years, she competed in Prepared Speech, for this event she had to write a formal speech about a business topic with a strict time limit “ it has to be between 5-7 minutes, any less or any more and you will be disqualified” she shared. Delaine has been incredibly successful this year, placing first in regionals, and 3rd in state advancing her to nationals upcoming in May. Outside of being very successful in her competition, Delaine said “ BPA has prepared me in my communication skills  and professionalism.” Congratulations to Delaine and the teams traveling with her, PHS journalism wishes them the best of luck at nationals!

Monthly Cause

10 Reasons to Donate Blood - Baton Rouge Clinic

What a time to celebrate the lifesaving contributions of blood donors across the country. January marks National Blood Drive month, a time to recognize the selfless contributions of blood donors nationwide. Blood donors are crucial to hospitals and healthcare facilities, yet supplies often run low. Did you know one pint of blood could save up to three lives?!

 Get involved today! Sign up to donate blood at a local blood drive, volunteer to help with snacks, and spread the word to encourage friends to donate. By donating, you can help save lives, learn your blood type, receive a free mini-physical, earn community service hours, help donors, promote diversity, feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose, give back to your community, help bridge the gap in blood supply during the winter months and make a tangible impact on public health 

Donating blood is a simple yet powerful way to make a difference. Let’s come together to ensure a stable blood supply and celebrate the lifesaving impact of blood donors.  

True Crime Vol. LI: The Midnight Assassin

By: Kendall Zuniga

On December 31st, 1884, the world was introduced to its first serial killer, The Midnight Assassin. For over a year, a spree of murders was seen unlike anything ever before in the city of Austin, Texas. Seven female residents, including the boyfriend of one of the victims, were all attacked with several weapons including knives, axes, bricks, and iron rods. When police arrived they were appalled by the scene of the crimes. Police brought in bloodhounds to hopefully track any clues that could help lead them to the perpetrator of the crimes, sadly, they couldn’t find any leads. Private detectives were even hired, hoping that they could solve the case of the crimes, yet again, they found no leads. 

Most of his victims were found to be predominantly young African American and white women.  Although many African American suspects were accused of such crimes, police would find that they were all not guilty and were let go. Even a candidate running for mayor was an accused suspect but was ultimately found not guilty. Many theories would be tossed and thrown around but, none of them could ever be proven correct. 

During this time, the phrase “serial killer” didn’t exist, FBI agents who specialized in behavioral science, crime scene studies, creating profiles for serial killers, and the FBI in general didn’t exist. 

The Midnight Assassin was never caught and had left the community apprehensive about the safety of their own homes, never knowing if he would return. 140 years after the murders, we still have no clue who exactly took away innocent lives that day in December. 

Wonka Movie Review

By Alex Richter

In “Wonka” (2023), director Paul King takes audiences on a whimsical journey into the origins of the iconic chocolatier Willy Wonka, portrayed by the talented Timothée Chalamet. Chalamet’s performance infuses Wonka with a delightful blend of vulnerability and eccentricity, complemented by the film’s stunning visuals and vibrant palette. While “Wonka” offers a captivating exploration of its character’s early adventures, it does struggle with pacing issues and a somewhat superficial treatment of Wonka’s character development. Despite these flaws, the film’s charm and Chalamet’s magnetic presence make it a worthwhile watch, especially for fans of the original stories and those seeking a visually enchanting cinematic experience. So, if you’re ready for a journey into a world of whimsy and wonder, “Wonka” is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and leave you craving more.

Stress and Motivation tips 

By: Layla Rodriguez
For this month’s advice column, we will discuss how to cope with the stress from schoolwork and how to stay motivated. School can be very stressful at times, especially towards the end of the year when the workload is doubled. It becomes very difficult to stay motivated and get all of your work done, and even more difficult is you are constantly stressed. 

When school starts to become the most stressful is when your work starts to pile up, a great solution to that is to always make sure you utilize your class time, set aside special time outside of school each day dedicated to finishing extra work, and make sure you use any spare time in class to complete work from other classes if needed. By doing these few simple things, it will definitely help to lighten your workload. That being said, the less work you have, the less you have to stress about getting it done. Just doing those simple things is so important for your mental state and can bring down stress levels just like that! Stress has lots of negative effects on teens, such as: breakouts, headaches, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and poor academic performance; that’s why it is important to keep your stress levels as low as possible.

Now we will cover the different ways to stay motivated! I get it, school work is boring, but it has to be done in order to stay successful. Doing your work and staying motivated also impacts your stress levels. Some great ways to stay motivated while in school or doing homework are: listening to music, taking brain breaks every so often, rewarding yourself, and making specific times for doing work. All of these are great ways to motivate yourself, and you always have to remember that you are doing it for a great reason; to be successful!

After reading this article hopefully you have learned some new tips and tricks to stay stress free and motivated! Let’s see you put these ideas into action!


Horoscopes – March #51

Aries – You’re focused, you’re driven, you’re passionate! You’ve got everything working for you right now. So, give yourself the permission to take more risks and to boldly step into the wilderness. Give yourself the permission to accept with grace the new opportunities knocking at your door, beautiful. Something tells us, you will uncover many hidden treasures on this journey towards greatness! Given that we have an eclipse later this month, it would be fair to say that unexpected changes await you on both the professional and the personal front.


Taurus – It’s been one helluva journey and only you know the trials and tribulations you’ve gone through before you got here! You’re finally at a point where you’re able to relate to the other with ease and with joy. You’re excited about the life you’re co-creating together and you’re having open and honest conversations about how you want to be loved and supported at this time. There’s a lot you cherish about this connection. But what you value the most is how they celebrate you and hold space for you to come as you are, beautiful!


Gemini – You want what you want, and there’s no two ways about that. Here’s the thing, though: not everybody you experience that spark with is going to want to live out the white picket fence fantasy with you. That doesn’t mean the given relationship is incapable of enriching your life in some way or bringing some umami to the table. There are many ways to love and be loved, Gemini. Honor each and every connection for its uniqueness.


Cancer – We get it, Cancer! Things on the love and romance front have been topsy-turvy for a while now. Does that mean you should give up on the idea of romance altogether and lie around sulking at home? We think you already know the answer to this one, beautiful! Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s time to move through life with the inner knowing that what you’re asking for is already yours! When it comes to your professional pursuits, a major level up is indicated. For some of you, this could manifest as a raise, a promotion or the corner office. Acknowledge your journey for it is your hard work that has enabled you to get where you are today. This month, you’re being called to wield your power in order to inspire change on a collective level. 


Leo – It’s official, Leo! Your days of dreaming and scheming are behind you. It’s time to get into action mode and make big things happen! Your ability to take calculated risks and implement radical changes will prove to be a superpower at this time! When in doubt, ask yourself the question: “does the given opportunity align with my long-term vision?” Oh, and one more thing! Don’t forget to look around and notice all the things that have come to fruition in these past few weeks. The Universe is always giving you proof of magic! 


Virgo – Things are looking as good as they feel, Virgo! This chapter of your life is about stepping into the limelight—boldly and unapologetically—and sharing your divine gifts with the world. Your days of doubting yourself and seeking external validation are behind you. It feels good to be your biggest cheerleader right now! ‘Course that doesn’t mean everything’s going to be picture-perfect. Both success and failure are a part of the package here in the earthly realm. But, you understand that we cannot control the outcome of our actions. The only thing we can do is give it our best and surrender the rest! That said, don’t be afraid to move differently, especially if an overseas opportunity comes knocking at your door.


Libra – Whatever is not a vibrational match will have to go. That’s how the universe works. That’s how the law of attraction works. Wade through the discomfort as you remember that everything is ultimately taking place for your highest and greatest good. A good question to ask yourself at every step along the way: does it bring me joy? You owe it to yourself to follow your bliss, flex your manifestation muscles and create the life you have always envisioned for yourself. Content with where you are but not how much you’re making? Remember that you are the change and the change begins with you. The full moon and eclipse in your sign later this month is bringing with itself the opportunity to let go of the outmoded beliefs so you can invite more pleasure and prosperity into your world. That said, you will also have the chance to gain wealth through passive sources of income.


Scorpio – This guidance isn’t about you and the other, Scorpio. It’s about you and your relationship with yourself. So, the real question is: how do you feel called to support your healing journey at the moment? Start by prioritizing joy as you remember that every little step in the right direction counts. Overheard at the cosmic conference: guilt and shame don’t deserve a seat at your table. As such, March 2024 promises to be a lucky time when it comes to your career and finances. Things are not just happening to you, though. It’s your hard work that has brought you to this point in your journey. So, take a moment to notice all that is coming to fruition as you send out a prayer of gratitude to the divine forces.


Sagittarius – But, have they really changed like they claim they have? We think you already know the answer to this one, Sagittarius. We’re not saying they don’t deserve another chance. N-uh! We’re simply encouraging you to revise the rules of engagement before you get back together. If you think you’ve outgrown a certain relationship or pattern, that’s okay too. As always, focus on communicating your truth with clarity and holding space for them to share what’s in their heart. In the realm of work, you’re being guided to get up and show up despite everything that transpired in the past. Think not of your failure as a setback but as a springboard for growth, resilience and success.


Capricorn – But, they’ve always had ulterior motives. This is something you’ve been aware of on a subconscious level. Yet, you chose to see what you wanted to see and hear what you wanted to hear, Capricorn. For you, Pisces season is about calling your power back and unapologetically drawing your boundaries. It’s time to redirect your energy towards your big goals. There’s so much you want to accomplish in the coming years, and you don’t plan to stop now! When it comes to love and relationships, something new and exciting is indicated. Are you looking for just another spring fling, though? Something to think about as you move through the day. Word for the wise: move into a space of clarity and communicate your dreams and desires to the other.


Aquarius – That healing is a mysterious process is *not* news to you, Aquarius. The important thing to remember right now is that the emotions that are resurfacing are resurfacing for a reason. They’re bringing to your attention how and where you need to bring a little more love and a little more compassion into the equation. Don’t be afraid to do the work, beautiful. Seek help if that’s what your journey requires at the moment. Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s time to find joy and pleasure in your own company. On the upside, you are entering into a significant cycle when it comes to your professional life—a time when things will come together for you in the most unexpected manner.


Pisces – Kissing frogs is no longer your kink, Pisces. Your birthday month sees you entering your commitment era! You want to build a nest with somebody who’s ready to go all in and isn’t afraid to meet you where you are. You’re looking for more than just physical chemistry. You’re looking for a partner, a co-author and co-conspirator. Somebody who’s willing to set off on all kinds of adventures with you and experience the full spectrum of deliciousness and juiciness life has to offer. What the cards are reminding you: you deserve that mind, body and soul connection, beautiful. On the career front, it’s your time to dominate! You’re showing up with that big goals energy and pursuing that which sets your soul on fire.

Monthly Cause: National Blood Donor Month

By: Britney Rodriguez


What a time to celebrate the lifesaving contributions of blood donors across the country. January marks National Blood Drive month, a time to recognize the selfless contributions of blood donors nationwide. Blood donors are crucial to hospitals and healthcare facilities, yet supplies often run low. Did you know one pint of blood could save up to three lives?!

 Get involved today! Sign up to donate blood at a local blood drive, volunteer to help with snacks, and spread the word to encourage friends to donate. By donating, you can help save lives, learn your blood type, receive a free mini-physical, earn community service hours, help donors, promote diversity, feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose, give back to your community, help bridge the gap in blood supply during the winter months and make a tangible impact on public health.

Donating blood is a simple yet powerful way to make a difference. Let’s come together to ensure a stable blood supply and celebrate the lifesaving impact of blood donors.