By: Wanish Tortes-Mcginnis and Kendall Zuniga

JROTC JCLC Cadet participants
Over the summer, 10 highly talented cadets of the Eagle Battalion participated with the San Antonio School District in New Braunfels at a leadership camp. The following 10 who participated were Kenneth Alegria, Logan Alexander, Alania Nethken, Lorenzo Samaniego, Aries Uhl, Natalia Jones, Annie Araiza, Courtney Cearley, Valdemar Herrera, and Hayli Woodson. Eagle training camp or JCLC, was based on leadership skills and creating a bond between each of the cadets while at camp. Activities such as hiking Enchanted Rock and High rope zip lining were involved to help better the bonding experience for the cadets.
Eagle Training camp also helped first year freshman cadets get familiar with what JROTC is like. Things such as learning basic drills, the history of JROTC, and physical training were introduced to the new cadets.
The Pleasanton JROTC also had a leadership seminar with the return cadets who are going to be returning this school year. The seminar helped give the cadets and staff time to bond as a group. The company commander and first sergeant were able to come together and make plans for the year and for their companies. The JROTC participated in a 5k fun run on 4th of July, 3 of there cadets competed against each other and the community. Future events are currently still in the works.