By: Victoria Chavez
Mrs. Callie Bast, who is known as one of PHS best mathematics teachers , was selected as the 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year. With her bright attitude and her passion for teaching it is no surprise that she was given this award. “My favorite part about teaching is when you see a student, who probably hated math, not hate math anymore and they realize they can do the work…”
When asked how she felt receiving this award Mrs. Bast commented, “ I was thrilled and honored… made me feel appreciated for what I do and for all the extra hours that I spend after school working with kids” It is no question that her dedication to her students shines through the dark times of the school year. Even with the obstacles that the pandemic has given us, she continues to educate students and help them reach their goals. “It’s the worst when you see a student sitting between friends and they’re not able to do the work but by the end they can…”
Her reasoning to return to teach at PHS was because, “I graduated in 1982… it feels like coming home from a long trip… it’s like if you cut me, I bleed green”
Mrs. Bast’s love for teaching has grown over the years and with this growth came advice for the new teachers of the world, “You chose this profession because you love teaching. It’s not the money or the fame, you do it because you feel called to do it. Even when you have those rough days or years, weather the storms and remember why you came in the first place. You’re going to be glad you followed the passion instead of the dollar bill… might drive an old Chevy like I do but that’s okay”
Congratulations Mrs. Bast and thank you for all of your hard work!