By Dillon Myers
Dil drank Dr. Pepper day after day, diving deeper and deeper into dental debt.
They can be harbored, but few can hold water.
#2 in
Has a tongue, but never talks. Has no legs, but sometimes walks. What is it?
#11 in
I am rarely touched, but often held, and if you are smart, you’ll use me well. What am I?
#12 in
What is it that no man ever saw, which never was, but will always be?
#17 in
A shimmering field that reaches far, yet it has no tracks, and is crossed without paths… What am I?
#19 in
You carry it everywhere you go, and it does not get heavy… What is it?
#24 in
You have me today, tomorrow you’ll have more…As your time passes, I’m not easy to store; I don’t take up space, but I’m only in one place; I am what you saw, but not what you see… What am I?
#28 in
I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played…What am I?
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