
By: Farah Standley and Letizia Perrino

You know what time it is… with the JV baseball team’s season coming to a hard-fought close, the Varsity team pushes onto Regional Quarterfinals, the second round in the playoffs. Your Eagles went completely undefeated in District with a record of 12-0, including huge wins such as,  a 22-0 win against Carrizo Springs, and a 11-0 win against Uvalde. The team swept Orange Grove in Bi-District 5-2 and 13-9 to advance to Area, and won 2 games to 1 against Zapata to advance to Regional Quarterfinals against Sinton. We are excited to see what the future holds for this very talented group of athletes.

Diego Luna and Ryan Benevides, two of our Senior starters on the team, both feel Pleasanton baseball has so far been an amazing experience in their lives. Both of their favorite things about their high school baseball career is playing with friends they grew up with and just enjoying every moment as team bonding, especially on trips. They also both agree that their biggest accomplishment in high school baseball is being able to make plays and cool diving catches in the outfield for their team. Diego’s goal for the season is to have his best batting average so far, and Ryan’s is to continue to contribute to the team the best he can. 

The team plans to not let off the gas and beat everyone that stands in the way, and we all sure hope that is exactly what happens. Every single player on the team is extremely pumped and ready to take on the Pirates. Really big things could be ahead, so be ready…because the team is!

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