The Poll-January

For the first poll of 2023, we asked you what you did to celebrate the last day of 2022. Over half of you guys said that you spent it with your family, and the second most popular celebration was hanging out with your friends! Here’s to a new year!

We also asked you what New Year Resolutions you made, and here were some of the answers!

to practice as much as I can to prepare myself for college!

-To keep staying motivated no matter what trials i may face

-Achieve my goals

-Work on myself

-Learn how to drive

-To get more into shape and practice archery more so I can do well at nationals.

-Try to lose weight and try to get a glow up

-To make my health a priority

-If I can’t say anything nice, keep it to myself

_To eat more protein and less sugar

-I want to read more!

-To choose healthier food options and cut out sugar

-To finish my Master’s Degree!

-Try not to nap as much

-To be more positive and open minded

-Give up soda, lasted 3 weeks

-To improve as a person overall.

-Be physically active everyday.

-To try and get home before dark. (I broke it the first week)

-Start a DOT Journal and use it for the whole year.

-To read my Bible Daily

-Read 50 books

-To have a healthier year

-Make better habits and save money

-Be a better version of myself

-To speak up and to not be afraid of others words

-Take better care of my mental state 🙂

-To eat more healthily and have a positive mindset

-To work out at least 3x a week

-Live for myself

-Have good year and try to keep my grades up

-To pass all my classes

-To pass so I can graduate next year

-To be better, more open, and honest.

-Expand my music taste.

Finally, we asked for questions to be answered by you in next month’s advice column! 

-What is the best way to handle a student with Senioritis?

-What are some creative ways to ask someone to be my valentine?

-Should I feed feral cats?

-Do you feel that mental health gets addressed appropriately?

-What should you do when you don’t want to do something but you have to?

-What are some positive ways to react to unpleasant people you have to work with in a class?

-What would you do if you were constantly involved in drama?

Make sure to email your answers to!

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