Monthly Cause: National Blood Donor Month

By: Jauslyn and April

January is National Blood Donor Month - E-Z Window Cleaning

Blood donation is something that is very unheard of. Blood donation also known as blood transfusion is when a single person agrees with the withdrawal of their blood to give to another one in need. Sometimes blood donation can help someone to save a life.

In order to donate blood the person has to be at least 17 years old and 110 lbs. The first successful blood transfusion was recorded in 1665 according to the American Red Cross. In 1667 the second blood donation was attempted and almost went wrong. The patient survived but was very ill and had to take almost a month to recover.

You may ask why is donating blood so important? Why are we dedicating the month of January to it? Well if you may ask, donating blood can save lives of good people or can even help them get through a serious procedure. Donating blood is a very big deal to the people in need. Imagine someone laying in a hospital bed dying because their blood isn’t producing strong or fast enough. You can help them, you can save them. There are so many different types of blood consisting of: -O, +O, -A, +A, -B, +B, +AB, -AB, and O. There are only certain types of blood that doctors need. If the patient is a -AB then they would need +AB. January is considered the second month of winter which means the second month of giving. Blood donation is an act of giving someone another chance and helping save their lives or simply just help them. 


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